I can only lead a discussion on fairness as determined by Nature. Social leaders can out maneuver, trump and strangulate their opponents in the name of many rights and reasons. Meanwhile, independence by self-generated food supply will always have all the real cards.

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Oh, to be mothered by Nature and not disavowed.

The rewarding/depriving law of reciprocity presides over every relationship, whether organism toward Nature, or organism toward organism. Moreover, Nature’s simple timeless techniques do enable self-sufficiency for the engaged human being , or punishes the selfishness of ignorance or hands-off consumerism. Knowledgeably using the beneficial techniques and refraining from actions when ignorant of their results comprises the soft treading necessary for mutual health, growth and abundance amongst all of Nature’s life forms.

He or she who shoulders the responsibilities of these “self-sufficiency” models is entitled to every benefit therefrom. And these self-sufficient ones are the best judge as to when and how much their efforts are under attack. And since they are best qualified to appreciate the bounty of their efforts, they are also best qualified to set value when trading and assisting those less “self-sufficient”.

Enjoy learning how to be more independent with the soil and water you can make and use. Ecologic (literal) and Economic (figurative) “down and dirty” understandings will lead you, the urban gardener. The value of this knowledge and the resultant bounty cannot be diminished by commercialism or consumerism or political opportunism. Gardening today must be understood for its political impact though puerile in single instances, has become stunningly Global in the collective sum.

Lay down your swords and turn them into trowels and pruners. For if we can all feed ourselves, our governments have no reason to fight. And our soldiers can grow life at home with spouse and offspring. And have no need for the salary from killing.
It has been said that there are two kinds of people. Those who are trying to figure out how to make a new pie. And those who are trying to divide the present pie into too small of pieces. None should make the excuse that “I am not a baker, I am only a slicer.” Learn to be a baker.
Yes, learn the way Nature works in your backyard and grow your own food. For if you are in your own garden, you will not be in mine. And if I put my knife away, I will not be in your pie.

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